Fraser Coast doctor slams upcoming ‘anti-vax’ film

October 27, 2017 by admin
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A CONTROVERSIAL ‘anti-vaccination’ film set to be screened in Maryborough has been slammed by a Fraser Coast doctor.

VaxXed, a film exploring the alleged link between vaccinations and autism, will soon be screen at a secret location in Maryborough.

Dial-a-Home Doctor’s Aleem Khan said the film had the potential to cause damage with “misinformation” about vaccination.

“(Vaccination) will not only save the child’s life, but it’s been proven to be a safe effective way to look after the community,” Dr Khan said.

“I’m not going to waste my time watching or thinking about this film.

“Anyone with the right sense of mind who believes in the research and evidence would not believe something this unscientific.”

Dr Khan said there was “no medical grounds” for anyone to go against vaccinations and said doctors could “show people the evidence and research” proving the effectiveness of vaccines.

But, according to their website, the documentary’s creators insist the film is not anti-vaccines, instead making calls to actions that include “vaccines being classed as pharmaceutical drugs and tested accordingly” .

“Being pro availability of safer vaccines that achieved the same immunity outcomes is not anti-vaccination.”



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