The thing that just makes you feel ikky!

August 28, 2017 by admin
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And it should – Australia has one of the highest bowel cancer rates in the world!

But there is a lot we can all do about it starting right now!

Start talking about it! Perhaps not at the dinner table, but when we are with our loved ones, our friends and even our colleagues, we need to demystify some of the ikkiness around what Bowel Cancer is and isn’t.

So here are a few DID YOU KNOWS for you to arm yourself with:

  • Around 25% of cases highlight a family history – this is why talking about it with your family is vital, so when you go to your Doctor for your next checkup, you can share that information – it might save your life!
  • Bowel Cancer is called a number of things, such as rectal cancer, or colon cancer.
  • There are numerous tests and not all involve the one you are thinking of right now. The National Bowel Screening Program offers a private and personal approach that if you are over 50 you need to take advantage of.
  • 90% of cases can be treated successfully and you know there’s a catch right? You need to CATCH IT EARLY!

Now if you want to know the symptoms, go see your GP! We are not going to send you to Dr. Google for this one, it’s too important.

Of course if it’s after hours and you don’t feel so well, you call us. We are your local after hours Doctor Service & can be there in *90minutes GUARANTEED

  • We send your notes to your usual GP or medical centre the following day
  • It’s not an annoyance for us to come and see you at home so call us!
  • We don’t replace your doctor, we simply provide that added support after hours when your usual doctor has gone home for a break.

Just book online or call  13 99 99

*Home Doctor Guaranteed within 90mins. If you book online Mon-Fri by 4:30pm, Sat & Sun by 10:30am. We reserve the right to take more time in case of giving priority to more serious conditioned patients as we always attempt to prioritise young children and the elderly.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition


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Dial A Home Doctor

Dial A Home Doctor (DAHD) is a privately-owned Australian company, focused on delivering bulk billed after hours doctor services to patients in their homes by our highly qualified team of doctors.

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