Now we all know about Grandmas recipe for fixing this ailment or that. The memories of castor oil as the panacea for all ills! And there is something to be said for some of the more sensible remedies. But then were the completely outrageous ideas that come under the category of “DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME!”
Urine cures acne!
Early American settlers had some pretty strange notions when it came to eradicating acne. One involved the application of urine to the outbreaks. Another called for using the water that collected in old tree stumps to bathe pimpled skin. Needless to say, neither has been studied nor is it worth trying.
Dirty socks cure sore throats!
Used widely until the 20th century, this remedy called for wrapping your own dirty socks around your throat. Our guess? Since sore throats are so contagious, and in the olden days a signal of potentially lethal diseases, the dirty socks were used to keep loved ones as far away as possible from the patient.
Chocolate-garlic cures memory loss!
An old, traditional memory-booster calls for dipping garlic cloves in chocolate and eating one to three of them a day. In theory, we think this makes tons of sense — the garlic and the chocolate are loaded to the gills with the kind of antioxidants that protect brain cells. But seriously, in practice? No thanks —chocolate-covered cranberries are so much tastier!
Rattlesnakes cures rheumatism!
An old cure for “rheumatism” was to kill a rattlesnake before it had a chance to strike (always a clever idea), skin it, dry it, and then put the remains in a jug of corn whiskey. Then, drink the whiskey. No surprise: There’s no science to support this (and it’s a little too dangerous to recommend). And the fact we don’t have rattlesnakes here in Australia means this one is just a little limited!
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