Everyday families are supported by their local GP

September 6, 2017 by admin
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Everyday families are supported by their local GP; Doctors that manage all of those day to day and sometimes life changing health events.  Without them we are all just a little stuck. Clinics are open longer to assist however even GPs need a break. Up until a few years ago if someone got sick after hours it was a case of go it alone or visit the emergency department.

Thankfully now we have an alternative with dedicated after-hour medical services available to cover GP clinics when they are closed – in the evening during the week, Saturday afternoons and night as well as all day Sunday and public holidays.

The team at Dial A Home Doctor actively encourage all patients to see their own GP on a regular basis as there is no substitute for someone that knows you, knows your situation and history.

However there may be times where your GP just isn’t available, such as public holidays,  or when a child comes home from school unwell – you’ve just walked in the door from work and your GP is closed.

Or its Saturday evening, your elderly mum or dad has a cough that is worse and you are worried that they shouldn’t wait until Monday.

At times like this, having the ability to call on a free bulk billed home doctor service can be invaluable.

The Dial A Home Doctor team will visit you at home, provide necessary scripts and in many cases provide you with enough medication until the pharmacy opens. This way someone that is ill can stay safe and comfortable in their own home.

Dial A Home Doctor offers remarkable medical care when you need it most. If someone at home is sick after hours or on the weekend, just dial a home doctor on 139999.

Dial A Home Doctor is a free bulk billed after-hours Doctor service – We Come To You.

*Home Doctor Guaranteed within 90mins. If you book online Mon-Fri by 4:30pm, Sat & Sun by 10:30am. We reserve the right to take more time in case of giving priority to more serious conditioned patients as we always attempt to prioritise young children and the elderly.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition

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Dial A Home Doctor

Dial A Home Doctor (DAHD) is a privately-owned Australian company, focused on delivering bulk billed after hours doctor services to patients in their homes by our highly qualified team of doctors.

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